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How far will Brett and Trevor go for $5,000? <g>

When I finished the first full length video with Trevor, I asked him if he'd be game for getting a blowjob from another guy in his second one. He immediately said no, and I told him to think about it and call me the next week. I raised the amount I was going to pay him twice during our little post shoot conversation, too, seeing if that would change his mind, but he still said it was too intense for him. The next week, he called me back and left a message on my machine: the blowjob was still out but he was willing to do a shoot with another guy. That got my brain whirring, my phone dialing, and by Thursday, Trevor and Brett were at the apartment. <g>

When we started the shoot, Trevor knew almost nothing about was to happen. He'd been told to bring a pair of clothes that I could keep and knew a little hand-to-hand combat was to be expected for what I said I'd pay him. Anything beyond that would be paid with bonuses. Of course, I didn't tell him how much money he could make with the bonuses: Indeed, I only figured that out myself earlier that morning. So when I whipped out $5,000 in cash during Brett's interview, Trevor's face started to glow, and when I saw it in more detail a few minutes later, all I could think was that he was so fucking kid-in-the-candy-store adorable. I even videotaped me teasing him about it: his glee at the amount of money was way too cute to not get it on film. <G>

Brett, of course, was his playful self, too. He'd told me when we talked on the phone that he had a new hairdo, but when I first saw his afro, I was more than a little stunned. It was funny, and him, but it wasn't especially erotic. So while I was laughing, I also told him I might put him in a cap. I felt a tad bad for saying that, but a little water did the trick shortly after we began. <g>

So, anyway, interviews and harassing Trevor done, we headed into the bathroom to begin the fun.

The first item on the request list was "boys wet... with their clothes on." I'd gotten that e-mail a few times but one guy was emphatic in his promise of undying love if I did that for him; I just couldn't not do it. <G>

So I got Brett to run the shower then I had the two of them get in, fully clothed. They proceeded to get totally wet, and it actually looked pretty cool. Looking for the still camera, which I thought I left in the car but really left on the kitchen counter, I kept the video camera going to capture Brett and Trevor shooting the shit while the shower ran. -- Watching the video afterwards, I thought it was amusing that Brett told Trevor that I paid him to slap another guy's ass, which wasn't true. I guess telling him I paid him to bite another guy's ass was a little more daunting to reveal... at least at that point in the shoot. <g>

Completely wet and standing in the shower, the next task was for the guys to rip the other's clothes off. I have to admit, this one is my fetish. There's just something about ripping clothes off, tearing them off, that turns my crank. <G>

When Brett tore Trevor's shorts off and his thin cotton boxers were wet, barely hanging on his defined body with his dick obviously revealed underneath the fabric, you could've knocked me over with a feather. I wanted to rip his underwear off, but, for the greater good, I resisted. <g>

Before they got totally naked, I'd wanted them to sit down in the tub and play around. They did, splashed a bit, and then I told Trevor to remove Brett's boxers, them facing each other while remaining seated. "I don't think I can" was his response, but I told him he could... and he did.

Next, Brett took off Trevor's underwear... and there were two naked adult straight men in the tub. "Such a cute picture." <g>

"Look, all the bubbles are hiding Trevor's goods."

"You guys can just like, you know, pretend like you're little kids having a bath with the neighbor boy." - Me
"With the neighbor boy!?" - Trevor
"Well, ya know!" - Me
"My mom's making Stove ___ tonight. Do you want to eat Stove ___? We have Sunny _, too." - Brett

It was too funny!

And then, we hit Bonusland for the tub! <G>

The first task: a romantical chest washing.

If they wanted the bonus, they had to lean back into the other's chest while he washed theirs. Nothing too scary (yet), but something to ease them into more later and a nice picture, too. They giggled a bunch and I had to tell them to be quiet, but it still turned out really nice.

Task: Completed

The next task: ball washing.

If they wanted this bonus, they had to go between the legs of the other guy and wash his balls. From past experience, I knew Brett was good to go for this one, but Trevor wasn't such a certainty. Shortly after I told them about it, he agreed and I actually squealed "Yay!" at how nicely things were turning out. <g>

Task #2: Completed

Then the tub fun came to a close. I harassed each of them a bit and got some really great views. Brett has definately been working out lately and when he was out of the tub, peeing in the toilet with Trevor behind him in the shower, I had to turn the camera back on. It was a great shot... and a great ass. We goofed around for a minute, I got some shots of Trevor's armpits, and then they toweled each other off. They were comfortable with each other. The tub had been a success.

Next, we headed to the bedroom, and soon thereafter, I presented Bonus #3.

Now, hmm... darn it. My memory is getting all fuzzy. That always happens right about now, doesn't it? <G>

Let's see if I can remember what we did... <G>

I remember it involved markers, handcuffs behind the back, blindfolds, flipping coins. Hmm... I know those happened but I can't seem to remember how all those things came together. <G>


Bonus Number Four:

How did that go? I remember it had something to do with late night skinamax movies and naked people together. $1000 bucks each. Something about time, too. Somehow all those were part of it, but what about those... My photographic memory is serving me a little better, but it has a few "holes." <G>

I do remember now... but ya better watch the video before complete amnesia hits me!

And I can say without a doubt that this is the most erotic, multiple cum inducing stuff yet on SCM... even better than Damon and Lucca. Raising the bar. That's what it's all about.

Oh, and one final thing:

Damn. I love my did-you-see-my-hand job!!! <G>

Now jerk your pants down and WATCH IT!!!

You'll be sporting rock hard wood. No doubt about it. <G>


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