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Dean's got the face, bod, and personality. <g>

When Dean finished his audition, I knew I had to get him back for a full length shoot. In fact, I didn't even let him get dressed before I started to discuss where he could go with SCM. <g>

Sitting buck naked in front of me, we had a ten minute conversation about how I was pretty sure he could go far. I wasn't certain at that point because every time I had entered the room, he'd tensed up. I knew he looked great and had a great personality and a great, well, you saw the audition <g>, but that was about all I knew (until I later watched the video).

So, anyway, we scheduled the shoot for a few days later and parted ways. In the interim, all I could think about was how absolutely adorable he was. I mean, I knew he was straight, but I so wanted to just... touch him. A positioning here, a reposition there; those were in the realm of certainty. But I wanted more, so I devised a plan. <G>

We started the interview and I found myself having difficulty focusing on my questions. Having had a bit to drink to relax my nerves, all I could think about was the question I wanted to ask him.

I went through the list, tripping over some, finding myself not inquiring further about others, until...

No, wait, you want to hear the specifics about the Asian girl he's seeing, how they had sex last night?

What? You don't... you just wanna watch that part. OK. <g>

But, surely, knowing that, hearing him talk about that... and how he'd never had his butt massaged makes what happened next all the more interesting, but it's your call. <G>

So, where was I?

Oh yeah, standard questions done... I asked him one more:

"I have a favor to ask... would you mind if I took your clothes off for you?"

He didn't know it, but his answer entirely controlled how the shoot would proceed.
If he said yes, I would know that he really was a good guy, that he said yes purely to be nice, not for any sort of monetary gain. And if he said yes, if he really was a good guy, I'd offer him a chance continue the shoot with a much more substantive payout... and much more, how should I say it, "interactive" aspect. If he said no, we'd do our solo shoot and I'd see what I could pull off the next time.

I was so freakin' nervous asking him, but I asked and...

He said yes.

Damn! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my job! <G>


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