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The guys have a night on the town. <g>

For the Grand Finale of the Log Cabin Weekend, I wanted to do something special, something that'd be fun and unusual for the guys and something that'd be great to watch. And so, several weeks before the weekend began, I started planning: The coup d'tat would be a night on the town, the prom us gay boys always wished we would've had. <g>

I located and secured a limousine; my boyfriend got us reservations at a nice restaurant, and I started measuring the guys for matching tuxedoes. A few of the guys went to the shop themselves and got measured there, and one or two others didn't get a chance to see me or the shop. For them, I approximated. <g>

By the time we left for the cabin Friday afternoon, everything was in place, and I was hoping it'd be as fun as I'd planned. Saturday, as the hour of the limo's arrival drew near, we all started getting dressed, my boyfriend and myself included.

First, I goofed around with the guys for a few minutes, having them moon me in the their tuxes from the loft above. I then got them to pose with their pants pulled down just above their knees. The banister, however, prevented the perfect shot from below, so I went upstairs with the camera and got some decent shots at that level. Just to make sure I got enough, I had everybody walk back down the stairs with their pants hanging off, too. <g>

On the limousine ride to the restaurant, Brett found a bottle of champagne and started pouring it. Being a server in his other life, he was trying to make sure there was enough for everyone by pouring each glass about 1/3rd full, but Smokey (aka Jon) poured his own... and topped it off, and Damon just started drinking out of the bottle. <g>

Soon, though, everybody had a glass and Brett toasted " woohoo... and our bachelor party!!"

"I'm never hanging out with any of these fucks again." - Michael
"I thought we were going out next weekend, dude." - Lucca
"Nah." - Michael

In the back seat, Damon and Lucca discussed the benefits of the limo's mirrors and lighting for seeing all angles of a girl sitting on their laps... Damon adding, "she could suck on your balls" while pointing to Jon.

At the restaurant, Brett whipped his penis out to make it talk and we all cracked up.

"Look at me, I'm in fine dining. I'm eating a steak." <G> It was too fucking funny. <G>

Michael started asking about gaydar. "You guys can just tell, huh?"

Then back in the limo, I suggested Jon moon me. He did, and Brett slapped his ass while Damon pointed out, "look at the balls hanging!"

Damon then showed us a "brain," and a round of mooning proceeded. As Ryan showed us his butt, Brett once again slapped the bare bottom in front of him. Michael immediately followed, "You do that to me, I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!" and we cracked up again. <g>

We laughed about Michael's surfing accident butt bruise, too.
"That rock loves you!" - Damon.
"Yeah, that rock is his new lover." - Me

And, of course, the biggest crack up came when Damon decided to hang his ass out the window... but you've gotta watch the video to get more details about that. <G>

Back at the cabin, the guys were wasted and exhausted.
As we began, Brett started having a conversation with himself.
- "Hey guys, I have a great idea. Let's drop our pants down to our ankles and wank it."
- "Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's do it."
- "What a great idea."

( Of course, I'd told them before we started that I wanted them to take their pants down but not remove them. He was just drunk and playfully mocking the irony of the situation. <g> )

I soon calmed them down and returned the focus to the porn on the TV...

The next morning, I'd figured a nice way to wrap up the weekend would be to give out trophies. -- I knew we'd be exhausted... but I had no idea HOW exhausted.

- Best In A Tux
- Best Sport
- Best Sport - Runner Up
- Best Money Shot
- Least Bashful
- Most Straight
- Mr. Congenialty
- Hot Tub Ho

Brett cut the cake, we laughed a bit more, and then packed up and headed home. It was one amazingly exhausting but incredibly fun weekend.

Damn. I love my I'm-wearing-a-tux-for-work job. <G>


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